Minutes Document Writer


This interactive page creates a template Quarto document text for capturing meeting minutes associated with the Submissions working group.

Date Selection

Use the date input below to choose the date of the meeting. Click the calendar icon in the widget to launch the UI.

meeting_date = 2024-12-01
meeting_year = "2024"
meeting_month = "12"
meeting_day = "02"
meeting_array = Array(3) ["2024", "12", "02"]
meeting_print = "2024-12-02"

Attendee Selection

Use the personnel table below to select the attendees present at the meeting by checking the box that appears once you hover your cursor above a name. The table is ordered alphabetically by first name as default, but you can sort by a different column by clicking the column name.


If an attendee is not listed in this table, please add their name, affiliation, and affiliation URL to the wg_attendees.xlsx spreadsheet located in the data subdirectory of this repository. After your edits to the spreadsheet are completed, re-build the Quarto site.

data2 = Array(90) [Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, …]
Adrian WaddellRoche/GenentechAdrian Waddell (Roche/Genentech)
Amanda MartinR ConsortiumAmanda Martin (R Consortium)
Andre CouturierSanofiAndre Couturier (Sanofi)
Andrew BorgmanBristol Myers SquibbAndrew Borgman (Bristol Myers Squibb)
Andy NichollsGSKAndy Nicholls (GSK)
Ari Siggaard KnophNovo NordiskAri Siggaard Knoph (Novo Nordisk)
Bella FengEQRxBella Feng (EQRx)
Ben StraubGSKBen Straub (GSK)
Beverly ChinRoche/GenentechBeverly Chin (Roche/Genentech)
Bob EngleBiogenBob Engle (Biogen)
Brian SucherUnknownBrian Sucher (Unknown)
Bryan TegomohCDC FoundationBryan Tegomoh (CDC Foundation)
Bryant ChenFDABryant Chen (FDA)
Chenguang WangRegeneronChenguang Wang (Regeneron)
Christopher KaniaBiogenChristopher Kania (Biogen)
Coline ZeballosRoche/GenentechColine Zeballos (Roche/Genentech)
Dadong ZhangIlluminaDadong Zhang (Illumina)
Doug KelkhoffRoche/GenentechDoug Kelkhoff (Roche/Genentech)
Eli MillerAtorusEli Miller (Atorus)
Ellis HughesGSKEllis Hughes (GSK)
Emily NguyanFDAEmily Nguyan (FDA)
Eric NantzEli LillyEric Nantz (Eli Lilly)
Estella DongBayerEstella Dong (Bayer)
Ethan ChenFDAEthan Chen (FDA)
Frederic SaadJanssenFrederic Saad (Janssen)
Gabriel BeckerRoche/GenentechGabriel Becker (Roche/Genentech)
Graeme HickeyMetronicGraeme Hickey (Metronic)
Gregory ChenMSDGregory Chen (MSD)
Hao WangFDAHao Wang (FDA)
Heidi CurinckxJohnson & JohnsonHeidi Curinckx (Johnson & Johnson)
Helena SviglinFDAHelena Sviglin (FDA)
Heng WangRoche/GenentechHeng Wang (Roche/Genentech)
Henry WangRoche/GenentechHenry Wang (Roche/Genentech)
Hong YanRegeneronHong Yan (Regeneron)
Honghong ZhouModernaHonghong Zhou (Moderna)
HyeSoo ChoFDAHyeSoo Cho (FDA)
Jiang XuFDAJiang Xu (FDA)
Jizu ZhiFDAJizu Zhi (FDA)
Joel LaxamanaRoche/GenentechJoel Laxamana (Roche/Genentech)
Jonathan TisackBeiGeneJonathan Tisack (BeiGene)
Joseph RickertR ConsortiumJoseph Rickert (R Consortium)
Juliane ManitzEMD SeronoJuliane Manitz (EMD Serono)
Katie HardingFreenomeKatie Harding (Freenome)
Keaven AndersonMerckKeaven Anderson (Merck)
Kevin BolgerProcogiaKevin Bolger (Procogia)
Kevin KunzmannBoehringer IngelheimKevin Kunzmann (Boehringer Ingelheim)
Kevin SnyderFDAKevin Snyder (FDA)
Kui SchenBayerKui Schen (Bayer)
Lei ZhaoRoche/GenentechLei Zhao (Roche/Genentech)
Lovemore GakavaNovo NordiskLovemore Gakava (Novo Nordisk)
Luke SchantzR ConsortiumLuke Schantz (R Consortium)
Lyn TaylorPhastarLyn Taylor (Phastar)
Maria Matilde KamFDAMaria Matilde Kam (FDA)
Michael BlanksBeiGeneMichael Blanks (BeiGene)
Michael KaneMD Anderson Cancer InstituteMichael Kane (MD Anderson Cancer Institute)
Michael MayerPositMichael Mayer (Posit)
Mike StackhouseAtorusMike Stackhouse (Atorus)
Miriam FossatiMerckMiriam Fossati (Merck)
Nan XiaoMerckNan Xiao (Merck)
Nate MocklerBiogenNate Mockler (Biogen)
Neetu SangariPfizerNeetu Sangari (Pfizer)
Nicholas MaselJohnson & JohnsonNicholas Masel (Johnson & Johnson)
Ning LengRoche/GenentechNing Leng (Roche/Genentech)
Ojesh UpandhyayGSKOjesh Upandhyay (GSK)
Paul SchuetteFDAPaul Schuette (FDA)
Paulo BargoJanssenPaulo Bargo (Janssen)
Peikun WuMerckPeikun Wu (Merck)
Phanikumar TataSyneos HealthPhanikumar Tata (Syneos Health)
Phil BowsherPositPhil Bowsher (Posit)
Qin LinGSKQin Lin (GSK)
Renping ZhangJohnson & JohnsonRenping Zhang (Johnson & Johnson)
Robert DevineJohnson & JohnsonRobert Devine (Johnson & Johnson)
Rupam BhattacharyyaUniversity of MichiganRupam Bhattacharyya (University of Michigan)
Ryan JohnsonPositRyan Johnson (Posit)
Saghir BashirArgenxSaghir Bashir (Argenx)
Sam ParmarPfizerSam Parmar (Pfizer)
Sascha AhrweilerBayerSascha Ahrweiler (Bayer)
Sean HealeyPfizerSean Healey (Pfizer)
Shannon LewisBeiGeneShannon Lewis (BeiGene)
Stephanie LussierModernaStephanie Lussier (Moderna)
people_selection = Array(0) [columns: Array(3)]



In your local copy of this repository, create a sub-directory within the minutes directory to hold files associated with this meeting’s minutes. Based on your selection above, create the following directory:


Copy the text in the output below into a new Quarto document named index.qmd.

title: "Minutes 2024-12-02"
date: 2024-12-02

::: {.callout-tip collapse="true"}
## View Attendee List


## Add Minutes Here